Exploring Civilization

Exploring Civilization

by Derrick Jensen | It is customary when writing to hide one’s presumptions. The hope is that readers will flow along with the narrative and get swept up by the language until by the end they’ve reached roughly the same…

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Exploring Civilization

The Choices We Make

by Derrick Jensen | We all face choices. We can have ice caps and polar bears, or we can have automobiles. We can have dams or we can have salmon…

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Fantastic Fixes for Low Energy

Fantastic Fixes for Low Energy

by Connie Strasheim | Energy. We sufferers of chronic illness could all use a bit more of the stuff, and every little blip in our internal and external environments alters how much we have at any given moment.

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Fantastic Fixes for Low Energy

Toxic Chemicals Contribute to Colds and Flu

by Debra Lynn Dadd | You probably are aware that giving your immune system a helping hand can ward off colds and the flu. But did you know that common exposures to toxic chemicals in your everyday life can actually increase your chances of becoming sick?

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Exploring Civilization

Message From The Stars

by Derrick Jensen | The message from the stars that sustained me as a child—that the cruelty we take for granted is not natural—sustains me to this day. For I know that beneath the fear and hatred, beneath the urge to control…

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Exploring Civilization

The Normalization of Trauma-Inducing Behavior

by Derrick Jensen | No one emerges from trauma unscarred. Having been severely traumatized, it becomes the work of at least a lifetime to de-normalize the trauma—to recognize it for the aberration it is—and to begin to re-inhabit your body, your senses, your mind, to re-inhabit relationships, to re-inhabit a world…

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empowering the environmental illness community