
Klinghardt Mercury Chelation Protocol

Klinghardt Mercury Chelation Protocol

Offers a comprehensive, customized approach to mercury detoxification which may include chlorella, cilantro, minerals, probiotics, MSM, essential fatty acids, vitamins, DMPS, sulfur-bearing amino acids, DMSA and NAC, hyaluronic acid, and homeopathy.

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Holmes Mercury Chelation Protocol

Holmes Mercury Chelation Protocol

Amy S. Holmes, MD’s protocol for mercury removal as part of her biomedical approach to treating autism. Many believe that a large majority of autism cases are in fact, pediatric cases of mercury poisoning due to shared symtoms and lab results.

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Pullling heavy metals out of the brain and body is serious business. Here are our recommended resources to help you find natural heavy metal chelators like alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and synthetics (e.g., DMPS, DMSA) at the best prices.

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