Debra Lynn Dadd

Sleeping on Wool Felts

Sleeping on Wool Felts

Eliana Jantz, bed designer and founder of Shepherd’s Dream, is now forming a felting collective in Montague, California to focus on wool felts as the perfect sleep system.

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The Seven Essentials of Recovery

Toxic Chemicals Contribute to Colds and Flu

by Debra Lynn Dadd | You probably are aware that giving your immune system a helping hand can ward off colds and the flu. But did you know that common exposures to toxic chemicals in your everyday life can actually increase your chances of becoming sick?

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The Seven Essentials of Recovery

Pay Less For Gas

by Debra Lynn Dadd | Now that gasoline prices are higher than ever, here are ten simple tips for conserving gasoline and getting the most out of every gallon. You’ll save money, save energy, and reduce air pollution as well.

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empowering the environmental illness community