Dear Stephen, I would like to know why you have said not to take cryptolepis for more then 30 days. I understand you feel it is more like a strong drug. Is this true?
Cistus incanus
Dear Stephen, What do you think of Cistus incanus for lyme?
Andrographis and antibiotics
Dear Stephen, I understand andrographis contains calcium and calcium interferes with the absorption of doxyclycline. Is it counterproductive to be taking both at the same time?
Pregnant with lyme
Dear Stephen, I found out that I am pregnant. Is there anything I can take—from what I understand lyme can pass on to the baby?
Poke tincture
Dear Stephen, I recently wild harvested poke root and am curious what your thoughts are about it’s use for lyme as well as an overall immune booster.
Buying herbs in Canada
Dear Stephen, Do you have names of companies or stores that sell the herbs in your core protocol in Canada? Much appreciated.
Stephania tetrandra okay with antibiotics?
Dear Stephen, Is it okay to take stephania and maybe all of the core protocol with cefalosporins and tinidazole?
Strange (good) reaction to andrographis
Dear Stephen, An hour after my first dose of andrographis I had the most amazing reaction: I felt GREAT. I’m normally pessimistic, anxious and introverted; I suddenly became positive, relaxed and chatty.
Smilax with other herbs
Dear Stephen, My LLMD just added burbur and parsley extract into the mix to take for detox a couple of times a day. Can I take Smilax with these?
Plant estrogens
Dear Stephen, I am extremely sensitive to plant hormones or precusors, which makes certain herbs and essential oils impossible for me. I worry about resveratrol therefore. Will knotweed have a similar effect?