
Listening to Einstein in the Dark

Listening to Einstein in the Dark

In the evening as we lie in bed, Bill sweeps his palms over the contours of my head and down my spine, along my arms and legs, grazing my skin as if moving over a Ouija board. This has a soothing effect on the muscle pain that clenches my body.

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Nerve Gas in the Living Room

Nerve Gas in the Living Room

Imagine if a company offered to sell you nerve gas to spray in your living room, or if leftover Agent Orange, watered down, was slathered on the grounds where your children go to school.

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The Cells of My Identity

The Cells of My Identity

In a setup that was far too Oedipal, I was sleeping in a small room with my mother while visiting my sister in D.C., when I finally blurted out the news that I had a girlfriend, that I was bisexual and maybe gay.

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The Invisible Panelist

The Invisible Panelist

Long before I became disabled at age 23, I had encounters with the unseen. Being queer gave me an innate sense of when to come out, how to hide, and how to recognize evangelistic rage.

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Julie and her environment:

Julie and her environment:

“…the woman in the pictures was her friend and collaborator, Clover Morell;…she could not go because of her illness. What illness could keep someone out of the Czech Republic, I wondered?”

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nighttime at the hitching post of the sun | the absence more present than the presence | and the presence of something | previously unknown but familiar hovering

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canary blues

there’s a god point she said in the limbic brain | with the ability to soften perceived threats | white lawn care vans for example | into feet tingling joy pelvis goes with that | the bowl opening to receive

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empowering the environmental illness community