How Neural Plasticity-Based Exercises May Help Those with Environmental Sensitivities
Why you should try a brain retraining program if you have a limbic impairment syndrome.
Safe Housing Tips for the Sensitive (Rentals, Renos, + Builds)
Building Biologist Corinne Segura offers tips on creating safe housing for those sensitive to building materials.
The Art of Unconditional Self-Love
Rita Loyd’s beautiful book on Unconditional Self-Love leads you through a thought-provoking self inquiry to help guide you to a more loving place within yourself.

Urgent: Investors needed! EHC-D Condos set to close 10/31
Investors needed before October 31 in order to keep the 21 environmentally safer condo units at the Marriott Hotel in Dallas open. Please help spread the word!
Relapsing fever and multiple infections
Dear Stephen, What would you suggest for persistent relapsing fever?
DIY fermented wheat germ instructions
Dear Stephen, I have found several sets of instructions to make fermented wheat germ extract. Have you heard of anyone else making their own or is it worth paying $130 for 30 packets?
Protocol for Zika virus
Dear Stephen, Do you know of an effective herbal remedy for the Zika virus?
14 year old with Bell’s palsy
Dear Stephen, My son had Bell’s palsy over 2.5 years ago and still has some residual symptoms. Can this still be treated?
Protocol approach
Dear Stephen, I’m battling lyme with neurological problems. I also have tuberculosis in both my lungs and air hunger. Where should I go from here?