Five Canadian women suffering from fibromyalgia, CFS, MCS and other related conditions started a health book club called Health Pursuits Reading/Study Group in 1996 which now has over 60 members.
Julie Genser
Enlarged brain region found in toddlers with autism: study
Toddlers with autism seem more likely to have a larger amygdala, the area of the brain linked with facial recognition and emotion, a brain scanning study suggests.
Thousands of kids exposed to dangerous liquid mercury in schools, homes. Contamination can last years, and cleanups are costly.
When children encounter long-forgotten stashes of liquid mercury, schools have to shut down for weeks and the toxic trail left in classrooms and communities costs hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Ashok Gupta Explains the Amygdala Retraining Program for ME/CFS/FM and Associated Illnesses
Ashok Gupta’s self-recovery from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome gave him the insight needed to develop his Amygdala Retraining™ Program that helps those with CFS, ME, Fibromyalgia, MCS and related conditions.
There Comes A Time
I have never been very good at surrendering. I have been the fighter—the hold on to the side of the cliff, fight for your life, never give up and never go down with the ship kind of soul. It was exhausting work.
Recommit. Again and again and again.
I practice recommitment on a monthly, weekly, daily—even moment-to-moment—basis. I also practice forgiveness. I forgive myself for not following through on previous commitments, goals, and self-promises. I let go of recriminations, self-flagellations, self-denigrations and I move on.
How Lyme Disease Saved My Life
When Lyme disease saved me, I had no clue that anything was really wrong with me, except there were some weird things that kept happening. For one thing, as I told an allergist, my sinuses, in waves, felt funny, and for the last several seasons, I’d gotten morning headaches
Tick menagerie: Lyme isn’t the only disease you can get from a tick
From the time National Institutes of Health medical entomologist Willy Burgdorfer first sliced open deer ticks from Shelter Island (off of Long Island) and studied them under the microscope in his Montana lab, he observed a glut of microbes.
New Study: Autism Linked to Environment
Research links soaring incidence of the mysterious neurological disorder to fetal and infant exposure to pesticides, viruses, household chemicals.
Autism Teen Creates “Outsider” Art
Arthur Simo is a teenager, self-taught artist and he has autism. Creating art gives him a way of showing his feelings about the way he perceives the world around him.