Feeling unmet in your relationships, and how to remedy it.
Beth Lucas

Home + Medical Care for Lisa
A fellow Lyme/Mold/MCS/Heavy Metal Warrior is in need of assistance.
Why I love Survivor
As a person who has lived through the throes of very severe Environmental Illness, I have a special resonance with the show Survivor.
Navigating Disconnection
Navigating rupture in relationships and coming out with your heart more intact.
Book Review: American Breakdown
Compelling book review of Jennifer Lunden’s American Breakdown: Our Ailing Nation, My Body’s Revolt, and the Nineteenth-Century Woman Who Brought Me Back to Life.
The Famished Feminine
When we are chronically unmet in love early-on, we will be inflamed when we see any women fed in the ways we cannot ..
A Particular Sneaky Lie
You don’t need to feel good for good things to happen.
Why are Trauma Bonds so Attractive?
The Holistic Psychologist shares about trauma bonds — what they are and why they can feel so good.
On Repairing Relationships
In every significant relationship I’ve experienced rupture, and come back to deep, abiding, honest and fully-transparent love.
Perfectionism is an Attempt to Feel Safe
Dr. Nicole LaPera drops deep wisdom on Instagram daily.