Urgent: Investors needed! EHC-D Condos set to close 10/31
Investors needed before October 31 in order to keep the 21 environmentally safer condo units at the Marriott Hotel in Dallas open. Please help spread the word!
Relapsing fever and multiple infections
Dear Stephen, What would you suggest for persistent relapsing fever?
DIY fermented wheat germ instructions
Dear Stephen, I have found several sets of instructions to make fermented wheat germ extract. Have you heard of anyone else making their own or is it worth paying $130 for 30 packets?
Root canals and lyme
Dear Stephen, What is your opinion about having to remove any teeth that have had root canals to fully recover from lyme?
Treating neuro symptoms
Dear Stephen, I have severe brain numbness (24/7), failing and blurry vision with floaters, a host of emotional issues, chronic fatigue, migraines, etc. To date there has been no change in my condition.
Persistent lyme arthritis in 3 year old
Dear Stephen, Do you have any specific recomendations for a young child with persistent lyme arthritis (knee, elbow, foot/ankle and toe)?
Can lyme be transmitted from dirty water?
Dear Stephen, My illness started about 6 weeks after I was accidentally submerged in the dirty water of a harbor full of fishing boats and yachts. Is it likely that I could have picked up lyme from that source?
WBC counts keep dropping
Dear Stephen, Before I started your protocol my WBC was 2.7. My labs just came back on my WBC at 2.2, my neutrophils are 0.7. My doctor got so concerned that she referred me to a hematologist. Are there any herbs I can take to increase my WBC?
Treating EBV and mitochondria damage
Dear Stephen, I was told resveratrol is very helpful in preventing replication of the EBV virus – would Japanese knotweed give the same benefits for EBV as resveratrol?