After 20 years of illness which has always been diagnosed as ME/CFS, I had a test done recently which indicates I probably do have lyme disease. My illness started about 6 weeks after I was accidentally submerged in the dirty water of a harbor full of fishing boats and yachts. Is it likely that I could have picked up lyme from that source?
I don’t know about that. The organisms, unless encysted, are confined to living organisms usually and I am not sure how you would have picked up an encysted form that way.
A man I know who developed chronic lyme told me his symptoms began after he nearly drowned while kayaking. He says that he must have picked the lyme up at some point earlier, but his body was healthy enough to keep it at bay – until his body underwent that extreme stress which knocked his immune system down so that the germ could go to town in his system.
Perhaps that is what happened in this person’s case as well.
Regarding the herbs for lyme, is it also effective to cure african trypanosomiasis and chagas disease or kissing bug disease?
Should I be worried if a tick was crawling on my son? I checked him over and found none embedded in his skin.