Smilax removed from protocol
Dear Stephen, Smilax is suggested for neuroborreliosis in 1st edition, but not even listed in the 2nd edition — is it now out of favor?
Babesia or lyme?
Dear Stephen, Some of my most bothersome symptoms are pressure in the back of my head, balance problems and crackling and pressure in both ears. Do these symptoms sound more like babesia or lyme?
Source for Uncaria rhynchophylla
Dear Stephen, I’m having trouble locating Uncaria rhynchophylla as a separate product from Uncaria tomentosa — as recommended for neuroborreliosis.
Aspergillus fumigatus sinusitis with lyme and bartonella
Dear Stephen, Can you recommend any herbs to help the aspergillus fumigatus infection in my sinuses?
Shortened mycoplasma protocol
Dear Stephen, I read in one of the posts that you were working on and would have a
new mycoplasma protocol available shortly. I wondered if it was complete or if i could be informed when it is done?
Herbs that contain magnesium stearate
Dear Stephen, I was wondering why you recommend so many herbs with magnesium stearate (trans fats).
Systemic chlamydia infection
Dear Stephen, What are your recommendations for treating a respiratory chlamydia infection?

My lyme treatment feels so good!
by Julie Genser | I am finally doing a full on lyme treatment!! After all these years of not tolerating herbs and supplements! Woo hooo!!! And it feels so good!
Clerodendrum inerme or Glory Bower plant
Dear Stephen, One of my friends who practices siddha medicine in India has suggested I try Clerodendrum inerme or Glory Bower plant. I would like to know your opinion on this.