There is a new feature length documentary in production with a release date of 2011 whose aim is “to investigate [myalgic encephalomyelitis] further to put the plights of sufferers in the public’s consciousness, which hopefully will encourage further research and health policy reform by spreading the word through [the] website’s videos, podcasts from interviewees, and short virals on the internet.” The film will be directed by Geoffrey Smith, the acclaimed director of The English Surgeon.
Confirmed Interviewees in the movie include Dr. John Gow (Head of ME research Glasgow Caledonian University), Professor Malcolm Hooper, Ken Hunter (Head of Medical Research University of Nevada), and Annette Whittmore, Dr. Judy Mikovitz and Dr. Dan Peterson of the Whittemore Peterson Institute.
The production company, Double D Productions, shares this information about myalgic encephalomyelitis on the film’s website:
Myalgic encephalomyelitis has no standard diagnosis or cure, and yet there are 20 million sufferers in the world, with 30,000 of them being children in the UK alone. It receives little research funding from government agencies in the UK, USA, Europe and worldwide.
For over 25 years the research that has taken place has caused a renaming of the disease to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which instead of bringing clarity, has brought confusion breaking CFS into multiple diseases, of which none of them were physical.
This misrepresentation has existed on both sides of the Atlantic to this day.
In 2007 in the US the Center for Disease Control formed an investigative panel which concluded CFS could be seen as a public health problem, while currently not seen as a priority.
Thousands have signed petitions to ask the CDC to change their definitions, which they continue to ignore.
When examining private research findings, what is becoming more apparent is that CFS is actually a transmissible disease, which could affect thousands, if not millions more.”
Double D Productions plans to produce smart, confrontational video clips to make sure that ME is put on the agenda of politicians and newspaper editors, a one hour TV documentary aimed primarily at the UK & US markets, and a feature length film for worldwide theatrical release, to be distributed in cinemas. To help complete this movie and get it into theaters, and possibly be named as an associate film producer, click here. Watch a powerful trailer for this film below:
Very moving thank you for sharing, Julie. I will pass this on… Linda
Sorry I mean Earthwalker–love that name. I don’t come here enough. Linda
this looks excellent. about time. j8
Films are well done.
Can we not also ask for £3 /month donations towards research like dozens of adverts on TV ask for money to look after dogs, cats research into cancer etc. I believe advertising for donations must pay for itself otherwise the advertisors would not do it.