In just over a week, the 2023 Mastering Mast Cell Activation online summit will take place and it is free to attend! More than 40 of the brightest and most experienced minds in functional medicine will be sharing what they know about Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). You’ll learn all about MCAS symptoms, triggers, coexisting conditions, and what you can do right now to begin addressing your symptoms.
For some people, it can take years to get a mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) diagnosis because the symptoms and related issues are so varied and complex. When you finally do have a diagnosis, the information out there can be overwhelming. It can be difficult to move forward with a treatment plan.
Fortunately, we live in a time when there is an ever-growing awareness of MCAS inside and outside of the medical community!
When you sign up for the Mastering Mast Cell Activation summit, you will learn from experts about:
- What’s driving MCAS on a global level
- How to avoid toxins & reduce allergies & autoimmune diseases
- Why genetics & environmental exposures create immune dysfunction
- How MCAS influences other health conditions
- Why histamine is an issue in many pediatric conditions
- Top MCAS triggers, signs, symptoms & co-existing conditions
- And many cutting-edge approaches & treatment options for deep healing!
If you are struggling with MCAS, or are a practitioner who is working with clients who are, this educational event will provide clear information from experts who deeply understand this condition.
Some of the experts participating in the summit include Beth O’Hara, FN, Kelly McCann, MD, Jill Carnahan, MD, Theo Theoharides, MD, Neil Nathan, MD, Gail Clayton, DCN, Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, and Scott Forsgren, FDN-P.
Register now and get your free 28-page Preparing for Your Detox: The Pre-Tox Protocol eGuide by Dr. Kelly McCann.
Are you ready to detox?
Don’t make the same mistake millions of people are making when embarking on a detox journey: jumping into a detox protocol without proper preparation.
Before you embark on a detox protocol, it’s important to prepare your body appropriately through a pre-tox. Because if you don’t get your cells and your organs of detoxification ready, you can flare your underlying conditions or even worsen your situation.
In this 28-page eGuide from Dr. McCann, you’ll learn simple steps to get started on your Pre-Tox Protocol today. When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Mastering Mast Cell Activation taking place on October 16-22, 2023 — over 40+ experts teaching you more about the latest information on MCAS and how to find YOUR path to healing!