Jen Brea’s Unrest and the Troubled Language of Languor: Part 2
Part 2 of Peggy Munson’s critical review of the film Unrest by Jen Brea.
Jen Brea’s Unrest and the Troubled Language of Languor: Part 1
Part 1 of a critical review of the movie Unrest by author and ME patient/activist Peggy Munson.
At The Root: On sale today on Amazon!
My friend Kimberly Miles, MA has published a book about her journey to health — through her mouth. Her story will be available on Amazon today for just $0.99.

EI Homelessness Part 5: First Aid
by Vanessa | Seasoned EI homeless camper shares her best tips for surviving outdoor living. Part 5 in a 5-part series.

Gluten free chocolate zucchini bread
by Elana Amsterdam | Keep this Chocolate Zucchini Bread recipe in mind when your garden explodes with zucchini this summer.

Gluten free spiced seed and honey granola
by Kim Christensen | With a splash of coconut milk or a dollop of Greek yogurt, this delicious and nutritious granola makes a great energy-packed breakfast or snack

Gluten free blueberry french toast casserole
by Elana Amsterdam | Blueberry French Toast Casserole made with Paleo Bread is a mouthwatering Paleo Mother’s Day treat for the whole family.

Non-profit formed to support limbic retraining research
A former graduate of Annie Hopper’s Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ (DNRS™) has founded the non-profit Limbic Recovery Foundation to support cutting edge research and treatment support for Limbic System Disorders.

My experience with an Earthing sheet
I had an immediate, powerfully positive response to the Earthing bedsheet during a recent stay at a retreat center that offers all its guests an Earthing experience. I ordered my own sheet online the very next day.