Do herbs affect test results?
Dear Stephen, I read that teasel root extract draws the lyme out of tissue and joints in to the blood stream. Does it make sense to take teasel before a Western Blot test to prevent false negative results?
How to stimulate adrenals to start making DHEA again
Dear Stephen, I wondered if you had any advice on how I might be able to stimulate my adrenal glands to produce their own DHEA again please?
Brain fog
Dear Stephen, Why does the brain fog come and go?
Generalized dystonia with lyme
Dear Stephen, I have been ill for 5 years (I am 38, former kindergarten teacher) and within the past year have developed severe “idiopathic” generalized dystonia. Do you have any advice?
Updated version of Healing Lyme – when is it coming out?
Dear Stephen, I want to order your revised book on lyme. When will it be available for purchase?
Clarifications on bartonella protocol
Dear Stephen, Would it be possible for you to give an update on which herbs to use for bartonella infection, as there is quite some difference and confusion between the information in your book and the questions answered on your website. In your...
Protocol not working?
Dear Stephen, I’ve had hellish symptoms now for over 2 years. Don’t most people begin to feel better within the first few months on the protocol? It’s been around 5-6 months for me…but I’m worse if anything.
Protocol for chronic lyme in horses
Dear Stephen, Is this protocol useful in horses suffering from chronic lyme with no response to previous allopathic therapy? If so, how do I extrapolate the dosages to use on horses?
Aggressive parasite infection with lyme
Dear Stephen, I have chronic lyme and recently got an insanely aggressive parasite from undercooked salmon and it is responding to none of the herbals or drugs I’ve tried so far. What can one do in this situation?