Parsnip apple mash
by Kim Christensen | The flavor of this dish is striking. It is sweet and nutty, with a rich texture that will surely win over any mashed potato lover.
You are invited to A Community Meal on November 24
A shared meal that accommodates multiple food restrictions marks the 3rd performance piece for the Social Practice performance class at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Unifying Walk Performance Monday, November 17
Part 2 of the Community Tea performance art piece is happening tomorrow, Monday, November 17th at 4:30 pm CST in Chicago and it will take the form of a unifying walk.
Making boneset tea with reishi mushrooms
Dear Stephen, I would like to make your boneset tea with reishi mushrooms. Where do you get the mushrooms? And after you mix and cook, do you strain the liquid out or do you eat the herbs/mushrooms as well?

My powerful realizations after 3 days of brain retraining
Susan was new to the Planet Thrive community when she read T-Can’s blog posts on his MCS recovery using DNRS™, EFT and other complementary techniques. Inspired by his success, she jumped right in and experienced some deep healing herself.

Your vote needed – MCSer is a week away from winning $10K
When one of us with severe chemical and mold sensitivity wins, we all win. Please make the effort to vote for Lou Anne every day this next week and share widely on your social media pages.
Liposomal resveratrol
Dear Stephen, I have several bottles of liposomal resveratro from Let’s Talk Health company. Do you know if this will suffice for the resveratrol you recommend as part of the core protocol?
Lyme underlying diabetes?
Dear Stephen, I had lyme 13 years ago, and got better after one and a half years. Three years ago I was diagnosed with type-1 diabetes. My current nutritionist thinks I still have lyme underlying this whole thing.
L-arginine contraindicated with lyme?
Dear Stephen, You recommend a fairly high dose of l-arginine when treating bartonella. However, I have also read of those with lyme having high amounts of ammonia, and taking l-arginine can exacerbate symptoms related to high ammonia. Your thoughts?