Amazing Amelia Hill website now live
Amelia Hill has been confined to one room for the past five years. She has created a website to document her journey to health and help spread awareness of environmental illness.
The Dispossessed is now available as an e-book
Artist Rhonda Zwillinger’s seminal photo-documentary on life with chemical sensitivity is now available as an e-book.
How to grow a thriving herb garden just put together this extensive guide to growing a thriving indoor herb garden.

Brain retraining recovery stories
A running list of success stories to help encourage those in the middle of brain retraining programs for MCS, CFS and related conditions.

You can be in the movie “Homesick” by Susan Abod!
Susan Abod needs your help in order to finish her movie Homesick, a documentary about living with chemical sensitivity. She is putting out a call for “safe house” photos to create a collage at the end of the film. Send yours in today to be included!

European company to make toxin-free campers for EI
Italian company CVS is considering producing Europe’s first toxin-free camper for people with environmental intolerances.

Brain retraining success stories
Get inspired by this list of those who have publicly shared about their success using brain retraining and related modalities to heal their chemical sensitivity and other limbic system impairment syndromes.

Kath heals her red ear syndrome with EFT
Kath created a custom plan to retrain her limbic system using EFT and followed it diligently until she saw results.

A multi-sensory approach to red ear syndrome ~ Part 3 of 3
Part 3 to Kath’s story about how she used EFT and related modalities to heal her red ear syndrome.