Kath heals her red ear syndrome with EFT

by | Jul 3, 2012 | Recovery Stories | 0 comments

EFT tapping for red ear syndromeAfter recovering greatly from chemical sensitivity using a self-devised EFT program, Kath turned her attention to her red ear syndrome (also known as hot ear syndrome). Since 1970, she had experienced episodes of hot, red ears for no apparent reason – sometimes both ears turned red, while more frequently, only the left or right ear turned red. Using a similar approach, she created a custom plan to retrain her limbic system using EFT and followed it diligently until she saw results. Her efforts paid off and she shares her comprehensive treatment plan with others in her latest article on limbicretraining.com. Her post is full of helpful charts and web resources for anyone wanting to use the same approach for their own red ear syndrome. You could also adapt her approach for any other symptom that is caused by an impaired limbic system response. Congratulations Kath for your success, and thank you so much for your generous sharing!

Click here to read her detailed article: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3


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