Zucchini noodles
by Elana Amsterdam | I’ve followed a strict grain-free diet since 2001. Still, I eat pasta every week. How’s that possible? Zucchini noodles, otherwise known as zoodles.
Pete’s Paleo: ready-to-eat gluten free meals
by Julie Genser | Pete’s Paleo meals are made with grass-fed and pastured animals, organic produce, and are gluten free, dairy free, soy free, and sweetener free.
Homesick: Movie Review
review of Susan Abod’s movie “Homesick – Living with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities” by disability activist Susan Molloy

A multi-sensory approach to red ear syndrome ~ Part 2 of 3
Part 2 of Kath’s account of how she applied a multi-sensory approach to healing her red ear syndrome.

A multi-sensory approach to red ear syndrome ~ Part 1 of 3
After experiencing significant improvement from MCS using EFT, Kath applies similar principles to her Red Ear Syndrome (RES), with great success.
Mycoplasma and babesia
Dear Stephen, If I have both babesia and mycoplasma, can I treat them together with a
combination of cryptolepis, Artemisia annua, serrapeptase, eleutheroccocus and Myco Formula?
Transfer Factor Multi Immune
Dear Stephen, Many lyme doctors are using Transfer Factor Multi Immune to help jump-start the immune system. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the ingredients, considering one of them is astragalus.
Super babesia
Dear Stephen, After trying everything for years I am hoping to get rid of my European and American babesia (B. divergens and B. microti) with cryptolepis.
Burning sensation on face
Dear Stephen, Is there something I can take for a burning sensation that I get on my face? It lasts a few seconds, but sometimes it is more intense than others and more frequent.