Dear Stephen, I have neuro lyme and need help with starting your protocol.
Lyme protocol
Dear Stephen, If one is able to tolerate it, do you still recommend andrographis or are the potential risks greater than the potential benefits? Should these herbs be taken with or without food?
Andrographis and multiple sclerosis
Dear Stephen, The Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database states andrographis (and cat’s claw) should not be taken if you have an autoimmune disease, such as MS. Can you please comment on this.
Andrographis long term?
Dear Stephen, The label on the Nature’s Way andrographis states, “Not for long term use”. I called Nature’s Way and they said not to take the herb for more than 4 weeks. What is your take on this?
Andrographis severe skin reaction
Dear Stephen, After starting andrographis (1, 2x day) I developed a severe rash/hives…Is there anything recommended to quell the itching and hasten healing?
Andrographis NOT for chronic lyme?
Dear Stephen, It was posted (on another site) that you said andrographis is good for acute lyme but that it wasn’t showing results for chronic lyme. Is this true?
Elevated liver enzymes
Dear Stephen, In the past when people have reported elevated liver enzymes, you have leaned toward andrographis as the possible culprit – is this still the case?
Is andrographis a diuretic?
Dear Stephen, I Just started with andrographis and I seem to be having problems with frequent urination and feeling the urge to go. Does andrographis act as a diuretic?
Andrographis and elevated liver enzymes
Dear Stephen, My daughter is on the Cowden protocol and has had slightly raised liver enzymes. She recently added andrographis and her liver enzymes are now even higher.
Loss of taste with protocol
Dear Stephen, After three weeks of taking the increasing dose of the core protocol, the collagen support, and arthritis protocols I have experienced a very marked decrease in taste.