Dear Stephen, Will andrographis and stephania work well on their own, without cat’s claw and knotweed? I read in your book that stephania inhibits cytokine production and andrographis does as well.
Andrographis and aspirin allergy
Dear Stephen, Are you aware of any relationship between aspirin allergy and andrographis, or for that matter any of the herbs in the protocol?
Possible knotweed reaction
Dear Stephen, I found some andrographis on the Oregon coast, ate about an inch long segment of it and I started to feel uneasy, head foggy, spacey…
Andrographis with Cowden herbs
Dear Stephen, My daughter’s LLMD has had her on the Cowden Protocol and now wants her to add andrographis. Is andrographis safe with the Cowden herbs and how should it be spaced?
Andrographolide content in bulk andrographis
Dear Stephen, Would you know the approximate content of andrographolides in the andrographis whole bulk herb ?
Core protocol side effects
Dear Stephen, I started on the 3 core protocol herbs about a month ago…now that I’m at 500mg of each of these 4x per day I’m getting one humdinger of a sore throat.
Andrographis and antibiotics
Dear Stephen, I understand andrographis contains calcium and calcium interferes with the absorption of doxyclycline. Is it counterproductive to be taking both at the same time?
Strange (good) reaction to andrographis
Dear Stephen, An hour after my first dose of andrographis I had the most amazing reaction: I felt GREAT. I’m normally pessimistic, anxious and introverted; I suddenly became positive, relaxed and chatty.
Reaction to low dose andrographis
Dear Stephen, I started andrographis this week and had a rather severe emotional reaction: depression, irritability, and insomnia.
Andrographis inhibiting progesterone
Dear Stephen, I was really disappointed today when I read in your book that andrographis can inhibit progesterone. I’m a male with osteoporosis.