Dear Stephen, My question now is about knotweed. I could take it for a few months last year in low doses but recently developed a clear reaction to it.
Andrographis / herb dosing
Dear Stephen, would it be counterproductive to do a lower dose of andrographis? I am doing other anti-spirochetal protocols as well and my doctor doesn’t want to overburden my body.
Andrographis / order of herbs
Dear Stephen, Within less than an hour of taking the first dose of andrographis, I felt more nervous than I have ever felt in my life.
Re: Your response to my question on hypercoagulation
Dear Stephen, Just for your own information and future reference, I was tested for and was found to have severe hypercoagulation, even after 3 months on andrographis (3 400mg doses, 3x/day).
Andrographis allergic reaction
Dear Stephen, I wanted to report to you another allergic reaction to andrographis – I had a sudden attack of hives that gradually worsened until my whole body was bright red with huge white welts that were extremely hot and itchy.
Staying on your protocol
Dear Stephen, I am usually pretty good at staying on the regimen but once every month or two I take a break for a couple of days. I have had a few bad relapses due to this, and am concerned that the herbs only work while they are being taken.
Low blood pressure
Dear Stephen, Can andrographis make your blood pressure TOO low? My normal BP is 90 over 60.
Cooling vs. warming herbs
Dear Stephen, I’ve been told that andrographis has a cooling nature according to Chinese medicine theory.