Dear Stephen, My question now is about knotweed. I could take it for a few months last year in low doses but recently developed a clear reaction to it.
The Basics
Low dosing of herbs effective?
Dear Stephen, If ART testing reveals my body only wants 100 mg daily of artemisinin and only 400 mg andrographis in six doses (six caps a day) would this still be effective for killing Lyme?
Andrographis / herb dosing
Dear Stephen, would it be counterproductive to do a lower dose of andrographis? I am doing other anti-spirochetal protocols as well and my doctor doesn’t want to overburden my body.
Andrographis / order of herbs
Dear Stephen, Within less than an hour of taking the first dose of andrographis, I felt more nervous than I have ever felt in my life.
Staying on your protocol
Dear Stephen, I am usually pretty good at staying on the regimen but once every month or two I take a break for a couple of days. I have had a few bad relapses due to this, and am concerned that the herbs only work while they are being taken.
When artemisinin doesn’t work
Dear Stephen, Have you ever researched the effectiveness of any of the following herbs for babesia: magnolia bark, yarrow flowers, noni, neem, and / or turmeric?
Translating tincture dosages
Dear Stephen, Is there some general formula or guideline we can use to convert your whole herb doses to tincture drops?
Biopure tinctures
Dear Stephen, What do you think about Biopure tinctures? Do you still think the whole herb is better/ safer than these tinctures?
Coptis and Chinese bitters
Dear Stephen, I have been using coptis and Chinese bitters. I am now ready to start the Core Protocol as well. Will there be a problem with combining these herbs?
Decoctions vs. capsules
Dear Stephen, Does it matter whether we take Japanese knotweed (resveratrol) as the whole herb in capsule form or as a decoction?