Dear Stephen, What might be some of the lighter herbs for lyme? I simply cannot take the storm of a major die-off.
What is the most minimal lyme treatment?
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Dear Stephen, What might be some of the lighter herbs for lyme? I simply cannot take the storm of a major die-off.
Dear Stephen, The Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database states andrographis (and cat’s claw) should not be taken if you have an autoimmune disease, such as MS. Can you please comment on this.
Dear Stephen, I would like to know if you would suggest a maintenance protocol during pregnancy, I mean, herbs that would not harm the fetus but keep borrelia under control.
Dear Stephen, I have been taking TOA-free Cat’s Claw for the last two week. I understand you recommend the whole herb. My LLMD recommends the TOA-free so I’m confused on what to take. Any advice?