Dear Stephen, I read that boneset is a member of a family of herbs that have a hepatoxic property. How can I take it safely if it is hepatoxic?
Samento increases borreliosis population?
Dear Stephen, I’ve read that a Swiss lyme research team discovered that samento didn’t help anything; it even could increase the lyme population. What do you think about this?
Meningoradiculitis (Bannwarth’s syndrome) and bitten again
Dear Stephen, In 2004 I suffered from severe meningoradiculitis along with seven others in my area. Was this lyme? I recently found a tick on me, how should I proceed now?
Cryptolepis buchanani
Dear Stephen, I was able to locate Cryptolepis buchanani on the web in capsule form. Is that the same as “Cryptolepis”? And what should be the dosage for fighting babesia?
Lomatium for flu virus
Dear Stephen, Members in my community are coming down with a severe flu that tests negative for swine flu. Is andrographis appropriate to try?
Many symptoms, including mouth/eye
Dear Stephen, I want to stop the antibiotics after 3 months and start taking resveratrol, cat’s claw and andrographis. What else should I include in my treatment?
Cytotoxicity of cryptolepis
Dear Stephen, I have been made aware of an Oxford study stating the cytotoxicity of cryptolepsis. I wanted to get your opinion on the safety of cryptolepsis considering the findings of this study.
Ginger root caused herx
Dear Stephen, I recently ate some fresh ginger root that seasoned a Chinese dish I had and had a strong herx afterwards.
Newbie needs help
Dear Stephen, I have neuro lyme and need help with starting your protocol.
Core protocol causes insomnia?
Dear Stephen, I have been doing the core protocol for about 4 weeks now and have noticed that since starting the program, sleep has become increasingly difficult.