Dear Stephen, I have lyme/bartonella and have been on many antibiotic protocols. Some things have improved but the one area that I can’t seem to cure is in my teeth/nose area.
Stephania and beta blockers
Dear Stephen, I am currently on a beta blocker, which you say is contraindicated with stephania. The blocker allows me to sleep more soundly without heart palpitations, so I am afraid to stop it. Any thoughts?
Cryptolepis during antibiotic treatment
Dear Stephen, Would it be advisable to try cryptolepis to treat babesia during antibiotic treatment?
Knotweed and estrogen positive breast cancer
Dear Stephen, I was diagnosed with early stage estrogen positive breast cancer and one of my doctors told me not to take the knotweed because resveratrol may stimulate cancer cell growth.
Is Raintree cat’s claw safe for children?
Dear Stephen, Is the cat’s claw from Raintree safe for children, and what would the dosage be for my son who weighs 76 pounds?
Taking core protocol long term
Dear Stephen, How long can one take the core protocol herbs at the maximum doses and not do damage?
Phytoestrogens and endometriosis
Dear Stephen, I noticed that Japanese knotweed is a phytoestrogen. I have endometriosis in addition to lyme. Could taking this herb exacerbate my endometriosis by mimicking estrogen?
Herb protocol for early lyme
Dear Stephen, I was diagnosed with lyme disease about 6 weeks ago and just finished 6 weeks of antibiotics. Can you recommend the top 2 or 3 herbs to boost my immunity given my situation.
Bulk cat’s claw taken in applesauce
Dear Stephen, I would like to use the Raintree bulk cat’s claw for cost savings. Is it advisable to mix the bulk product with applesauce rather that putting into capsules or boiling into tea?
Bartonella and infected teeth
I have lyme/bartonella. Recently my dentist caused an infection that spread throughout my whole mouth. I believe I have spirochetes in the remaining teeth causing lots of pain. Help!