Dear Stephen, I thought I would ask about the lobelias because two have shown up in my small yard and garden. Are either Lobelia inflata or Lobelia siphilitica recommended for any aspect of Lyme disease?
The buzz about biofilm
Dear Stephen, Do you feel that lyme bacterium and other pathogens are protected by biofilm layers and that must be treated simultaneously with herbs and/or antibiotics?
Andrographis and elevated liver enzymes
Dear Stephen, My daughter is on the Cowden protocol and has had slightly raised liver enzymes. She recently added andrographis and her liver enzymes are now even higher.
Loss of taste with protocol
Dear Stephen, After three weeks of taking the increasing dose of the core protocol, the collagen support, and arthritis protocols I have experienced a very marked decrease in taste.
Andrographis and stephania for ALS-type Lyme?
Dear Stephen, Will andrographis and stephania work well on their own, without cat’s claw and knotweed? I read in your book that stephania inhibits cytokine production and andrographis does as well.
Andrographis and aspirin allergy
Dear Stephen, Are you aware of any relationship between aspirin allergy and andrographis, or for that matter any of the herbs in the protocol?
Possible knotweed reaction
Dear Stephen, I found some andrographis on the Oregon coast, ate about an inch long segment of it and I started to feel uneasy, head foggy, spacey…
Andrographis with Cowden herbs
Dear Stephen, My daughter’s LLMD has had her on the Cowden Protocol and now wants her to add andrographis. Is andrographis safe with the Cowden herbs and how should it be spaced?
One year on crypto, need to add artemisinin
Dear Stephen, I have been on cryptolepis for one year for breathing difficulty…and now through VEGA testing, my body is now calling to add artemisinin. Can I mix both herbs simultaneously?
Andrographolide content in bulk andrographis
Dear Stephen, Would you know the approximate content of andrographolides in the andrographis whole bulk herb ?