Dear Stephen, I had uterine cancer surgery and my LLMD put me on resveratrol. I am wondering since this has an estrogenic effect, is this setting me up for more cancer?
japanese knotweed
Japanese knotweed toxic to kidneys?
Dear Stephen, I am taking Japanese knotweed for lyme disease but read on that long term usage can be toxic to kidneys. Are you able to comment on this for me please?
Lyme with bartonella
Dear Stephen,
I was diagnosed with the Fry Labs bartonella bug…any suggestions?
Japanese knotweed whole herb powder dosage
Dear Stephen, For those who want to use the whole Japanese knotweed powder, I am trying to determine how much this would be in grams for those who don’t like using capsules.
Okay to use other knotweed species?
Dear Stephen, I am attempting to wild-harvest knotweed for my use and would like to know if Giant knotweed and Bohemian knotweed can be substituted for Japanese knotweed.
Astragalus as preventative for kids
Dear Stephen, I was diagnosed with lyme and I am terrified for my kids. I am unsure of what to do for them – I don’t want to make them sicker and I don’t want them to fight this disease all of their lives.
Lyme herbs damaging to stomach long-term?
Dear Stephen, I am taking cat’s claw and resveratrol for lyme. You say it causes upset stomach. Is it possible to damage my stomach with long term use?
Alternatives for Japanese knotweed
Dear Stephen, Even a small dose of Japanese knotweed results in nausea, cramping, and diarrhea. Can you recommend other herbs that may provide the same benefits of knotweed?
Breast cancer and resveratrol
Dear Stephen, I am confused – does resveratrol have a negative effect on breast cancer or a positive effect?
Lyme herbs lower blood pressure?
Dear Stephen, Are there any lyme treatments that don’t lower the blood pressure?