Dear Susun, What do you recommend for natural lawn care – what do you do?
Are mammograms worth the risk?
Dear Susun, I’m confused about mammograms. My gut tells me that they are unnecessary and possibly even cancer-CAUSING.
Stings and bites
Dear Susun, With summer approaching, can you tell me how to best treat bug bites and bee stings naturally – what sort of things could I keep on hand in my first aid kit?
Urban harvesting
Dear Susun, I live in a large urban area and am wondering if there is a safe distance away from traffic that needs to be adhered to when harvesting wild plants in the city.
Memory issues
Dear Susun, Lately I’ve noticed my memory is not as good as it used to be. My grandmother has advanced Alzheimers so I am a bit concerned.
Support for the liver
Dear Susun, What do I need to know about supporting my liver? Are there good herbs to use—and any to avoid?
Who Is That Bubble Girl?
I have to live a life immaculately free of chemicals: a bubble life. And by chemicals, I mean, the crap that has infiltrated almost every known product since WWII.
Dancing with cancer
Dear Susun, A friend of mine was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Do you have any advice for her?
Flu Help / Boosting Immune System
Dear Susun, Can you offer any suggestions for boosting the immune system naturally to avoid the flu? Thank you in advance.
Restless legs at night
Dear Susun, Sometimes at night after I’ve gone to bed, my legs feel restless and achey. Is this part of menopause? I haven’t reached menopause yet but am wondering if this is a sign of early onset.