As a child, Barbara Arrowsmith Young suffered from a brain dysfunction that had her labelled both gifted and retarded. So, on her own, she set out to cure herself.

As a child, Barbara Arrowsmith Young suffered from a brain dysfunction that had her labelled both gifted and retarded. So, on her own, she set out to cure herself.
Annie Hopper’s Dynamic Neural Retraining System offers new hope to those with severe chemical and electrical sensitivities, fibromyalgia, and related conditions
Cheri Florance risked her whole family’s happiness in a successful battle to turn her deaf, mute and uncontrollable little boy into a happy, healthy and normal teenager.
Researchers are figuring out how addiction rewires the brain. The goal is to eventually be able to rewire an addicted brain back to the way it was, before the drugs, the cravings, and the self-destruction.
Can the brain rewire itself to overcome damage or removal? The Discovery Channel tells the story of Jody Miller, who had half her brain removed at three years of age.
Brain plasticity refers to the fact that the human brain is capable of forming new neuronal pathways throughout one’s lifetime.
Story by Atul Gawande in the New Yorker about a woman with uncontrollable itching whose case may provide a clue to a new theory about brains and bodies.
Cort Johnson of the Phoenix Rising forums interviews Ashok Gupta on his Amygdala Retraining™ Program at the IACFS/ME Conference this year.
Researchers believe that the disruption of a single gene in the brain can cause the severe cognitive deficits associated with Angelman syndrome, a neurogenetic disorder often misdiagnosed as cerebral palsy or autism…
Ashok Gupta’s self-recovery from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome gave him the insight needed to develop his Amygdala Retraining™ Program that helps those with CFS, ME, Fibromyalgia, MCS and related conditions.