Help spread awareness by sharing your story on blogs and websites in both written and video format.

Help spread awareness by sharing your story on blogs and websites in both written and video format.
Scott Forsgren writes about Stephen Harrod Buhner and his herbal protocol for lyme disease and co-infections.
The creator of the Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ talks face-to-face with the author of The Brain That Changes Itself about chemical intolerance and the promise of a brain plasticity treatment approach.
Submit your writing and art for an anthology articulating the terrain of trauma and resilience – a collaboration of the Icarus Project, the Bay Area Radical Mental Health Collective, and Activist Trauma Support.
Infectious disease specialist Dr. Joe Jemsek discusses the controversy surrounding Lyme disease and what action needs to be taken to provide patients with better care.
Planet Thrive founder Julie Genser interviews Ashok Gupta to get a more in-depth view into the Amygdala Retraining™ Program for CFS/ME and related disorders.
Andalusian Dogs has made a new lyme movie that “reveals the shocking yet little-known roots of lyme disease in the US Biological Weapons program and their subsequent effort to conceal it.”
Is it possible to recover from severe, chronic late stage neuro-lyme disease? Yes, and Brooke Landau is living testimony.’s newest guest blog post is by Julie Laffin, a Chicago-based performance artist who writes of her struggles with severe chemical sensitivity and advanced neurological lyme disease.
Two doctors report on using lumbrokinase to help break up the biofilms in Lyme patients who don’t seem to improve on antibiotics or herbal antimicrobials alone.