Canadian radio host Murray Langdon interviews Annie Hopper, a core belief counselor who claims she rewired her brain and healed herself from severe chemical and electrical sensitivities, as well as fibromyalgia.
Chemical Sensitivity News
Understanding Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
An interview with Dutch author Els Valkenburg, whose book “Understanding Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: Causes, Effects, Personal Experiences and Resources” was recently translated into English.
When Illness Strikes, Men Leave More Often
WebMD shares the results of a new study that shows women with cancer and multiple sclerosis are more likely than men to become separated or divorced.
Safe Houses: Only for the affluent?
Barbara Eaton, president of a regional chapter of The National Association of the Physically Handicapped, writes about how people with MCS who have few resources end up as housing refugees.
Missing: A life broken by Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
Salvador López Arnal interviews Eva Caballé, Spanish author and MCS activist, about her new book “Desaparecida. Una vida rota por la sensibilidad química múltiple” (“Missing. A life broken by Multiple Chemical Sensitivities”).
Call for chemical free zone
Tami Duncan, Executive Director of the Lyme Induced Autism Foundation sends out a plea to parents and practitioners of autistic children to refrain from wearing perfume, and other scented products.
Pesticide kills humans but not bugs
Twenty-five-year-old Elizabeth Whitfield’s mobile home is still infested with insects after using a bug spray but her 10-month-old baby is dead and her 2-year-old son was critically injured.
Bene’s Battle
A senior with environmental illness hopes to avoid yearly homelessness during pesticide spraying season. Find out how you can help!
Ashok Gupta Interview
Planet Thrive founder Julie Genser interviews Ashok Gupta to get a more in-depth view into the Amygdala Retraining™ Program for CFS/ME and related disorders.
(dis)abling conditions: curated by Julie Laffin
Julie Laffin will be “Skyped” in to this year’s disability-themed Site Unseen show in Chicago to help spread awareness on environmental illness. The show is presented by The Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs.