Dear Stephen, I was wondering why you recommend so many herbs with magnesium stearate (trans fats).
Healing Lyme
Systemic chlamydia infection
Dear Stephen, What are your recommendations for treating a respiratory chlamydia infection?
Clerodendrum inerme or Glory Bower plant
Dear Stephen, One of my friends who practices siddha medicine in India has suggested I try Clerodendrum inerme or Glory Bower plant. I would like to know your opinion on this.
Green Dragon Botanicals’ LB Core Protocol
Dear Stephen, Do you have an opinion on Green Dragon Botanicals’ LB Core Protocol?
Misdiagnosed with Charcot Marie Tooth disease at birth
Dear Stephen, I am a 35 year old woman who was diagnosed with Charcot Marie Tooth disease at birth but have never properly been tested for it. It has been suggested to me that I have a case of undiagnosed lyme disease.
Nuherbs organic Japanese knotweed okay to use?
Dear Stephen, Somehow I purchased the wrong brand of Japanese knotweed from 1st
Chinese herbs. I bought the Nuherbs organic. Is it okay to use this brand?
European strains of Borrelia bacteria
Dear Stephen, Does your protocol work with the strains of Borrelia more commonly found in Europe such as Borrelia afzelii, garinii, spielmanii, etc.?
Studies to backup current bartonella protocol
Dear Stephen, I cannot find a lot of information or decent studies on the new herbs you recommend for bartonella. Can you provide links to studies for your latest bartonella protocol?
Nausea and muscle spasms
Dear Stephen, My biggest symptoms now are nausea and deep muscle spasms. I have a lot of herbs but I’m afraid to start with anything because of the huge spasms I get, even in my head. Do you have any advice for me?
Recommendations for those without symptoms
Dear Stephen, I am now symptom-free after antibiotics, but I feel that it is wise to use your protocol. My question is how long would you recommend I use the protocol and should I use all recommended herbs?