Dear Stephen, For those who want to use the whole Japanese knotweed powder, I am trying to determine how much this would be in grams for those who don’t like using capsules.
Healing Lyme
Herb resistance common after two years?
Dear Stephen, I read that many people develop resistance to the herb combination after two years. What’s your take on this?
HPU/KPU and mineral deficiencies
Dear Stephen, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt reports that over 80% of his chronic lyme patients do not get better until they address an underlying condition known as hemopyrrollactamuria (HPU), also known as kyptopyrroluria (KPU).
Adrenal issues
Dear Stephen, What would you recommend for someone who has very low adrenal function (non-Addison’s) that most likely has lyme and is trying to figure out a way to get moving on all this with extremely low metabolic energy?
Stabbing pain in right arm and shoulder
Dear Stephen, My right arm and shoulder have had stabbing pains for the last five months, especially at night and I can barely sleep.
Banderol and samento study
Dear Stephen, Dr. Eva Sapi at the University of New Haven has done a study with samento and banderol. Do you have any comments on using banderol for treating chronic lyme?
Melanosis coli
Dear Stephen, The assisting nurse for my colonoscopy today asked my M.D. why my colon was black. He said it’s melanosis coli, a benign condition. He asked if I took herbs.
Can the heat from Bikram yoga kill lyme?
Dear Stephen, how do you feel about hot yoga, such as Bikram? I’m sure the sweating would help detox but other than that do you think there’s a potential to kill any of the bacteria?
Reversing steroid damage
Dear Stephen, I never got antibiotics and was given steroids at least five different times. They left me handicapped, in a wheelchair – not able to lift my legs, stiff, with spasms. Can anything reverse the steriod damage?
Astragalus as preventative for kids
Dear Stephen, I was diagnosed with lyme and I am terrified for my kids. I am unsure of what to do for them – I don’t want to make them sicker and I don’t want them to fight this disease all of their lives.