Dear Stephen, I’m a little short on funds right now (thank you lyme disease) and want to know if I can start only the cat’s claw now with my amoxy/probe combo. Thank you.
Healing Lyme
Knotweed in pregnancy
Dear Stephen, If knotweed may interfere with implantation, could that mean that should implantation be firmly established and a pregnancy underway, that it might be fine to resume resveratrol from then on?
Elevated liver enzymes with resveratrol
Dear Stephen, I have found 2 recent articles with clinical trials where it is shown that although resveratrol is generally very good for the liver, Hep C virus replicates much faster with it.
Waking in middle of night with anxiety and pounding heart
Dear Stephen, I’ve been taking cat’s claw, eleuthero and resveratrol. I’ve been waking up frequently during the night and around 4 am wake with pounding heart and anxiety which has nothing to do with my emotions.
Inflammation from eleuthero
Dear Stephen, After starting eleuthero, almost immediately (within hours), it lifted my depression but after a few days, I started with all over hurting (joints, muscles, stiff neck, etc.). Is it possible that it over stimulated my immune system?
Instructions for wild-harvesting Japanese knotweed
Dear Stephen, Are there guidelines for to use for wild-harvesting Japanese knotweed in terms of collecting (time of year), drying (is sauna OK), and dosing?

NEW: Buhner Healing Lyme stand-alone website
Planet Thrive is proud to introduce a new stand-alone, satellite website for the Buhner Healing Lyme herbal protocol for lyme disease and other tick-borne infections.
Alternatives for artemisinin – exacerbating my tinnitus
Dear Stephen, I have suffered all my life from tinnitus and after I took artemisin, it got much worse. Do you know if artemisin can worsen tinnitus? If it does, what alternative do I have?
Raintree’s cat’s claw is out of stock – help!
Dear Stephen, Raintree cat’s claw has been unavailable for over 2 months and they’re not sure when it will be back in. Can you recommend another source for cat’s claw?
Antibiotics and hearing loss
Dear Stephen, I have some mild hearing loss from lyme antibiotics and would like to start your protocol, but first want to know if any of the herbs could damage my hearing further.