Dear Stephen, Can you advise something for neuropathy which is caused by lyme or some other tick-borne infection? Thank you so much.
Edema in legs
Dear Stephen, I have a lot of edema in my legs. Would stephania help?
Stephania and beta blockers
Dear Stephen, In Healing Lyme you state that stephania is not recommended for people on beta blockers. Why? What would happen then?
Confusion over various Sida species
Dear Stephen, Which Sida species exactly is helpful for coinfections? Correct foreign names and common names would be very helpful to find the proper herb on the Internet as so many sources differ in the names.
How long for protocol to work?
Dear Stephen, How long does it take to see a complete turn around while using the protocol – approximately how many months, weeks, etc.?
Noni good for babesia?
Dear Stephen, Is noni worth using against babesia? If so, what does it do?
Lyme endemic area
Dear Stephen, I live in a tick infested area and cannot really avoid getting bitten at least once from March – November. No matter what I do.
Ear pain with autism lyme
Dear Stephen, My son is 21 years old, has autism, and was diagnosed last May with babesia and lyme disease. He has had chronic ear pain since he was around 2 years old.
Does andrographis inhibit estrogen or progesterone?
Dear Stephen, Are there studies that indicate andrographis inhibits estrogen or progesterone?
Raintree cat’s claw dosage vs. Pacific Botanicals
Dear Stephen, Why such a big discrepancy between the dosage for Raintree’s cat’s claw and Pacific Botanicals?