Dear Stephen, Colchicum for ehlichia is really hard to find. Do you have any alternatives?
Stephania okay to take long term?
Dear Stephen, I have added stephania root as a tincure, 1/2 teaspoon 3 times a day for late stage neuroborreliosis. I can’t find anything in your book about how long one safely can use stephania or how long you recommend on this dosage.
Lyme herbs lower blood pressure?
Dear Stephen, Are there any lyme treatments that don’t lower the blood pressure?
Children’s doses for liquid astragalus and eleuthero
Dear Stephen, To prevent lyme for my 3, 6, and 9 yr olds, I have the Herb Pharm liquid astragalus and eleutherococcus. How many drops for each kid and how many per day?
Re|shelter Holiday Auction: A call for in-kind donations
Re|shelter, the non-profit 501(c)(3) charity recently formed to address the housing crisis for those displaced by disabling environmental intolerances, is planning their first fundraising event: a Holiday Auction on eBay.
Eight year old with hallucinations and rage
Dear Stephen, My eight year old daughter is having hallucinations, muscle twisting, weakness, severe headaches, rage, uncontrollable anger, back and neck pain, waking up at night and she’s just not her regular self. Please help her.
Artemisia annua and ear pain
Dear Stephen, I read in Dr. Schaller’s babesia book that artemisinin, artesunate, and “artemisia derivatives” can cause ear pressure and hearing problems. He says to stop use immediately if these symptoms appear.
Collagen support/arthritis
Dear Stephen, I was wondering what herbs/supplements you would recommend I take for collagen and arthritic support. Do I need to take each product mentioned in your book for each of these issues?
Chomping/grinding teeth
Dear Stephen, At night, I have an issue where I grind, chomp, and clench my teeth. This is very painful.
Success rate of your herbal protocol
Dear Stephen, I discussed your lyme protocol with my doctor here in Germany. He is open to using herbal protocols but he would like to see evidence of improvement in lyme disease by the use of this protocol.