A lot like hummus, but green – with the incredible flavor of peas bursting through, highlighted by thyme, sorrel, and olive oil.

A lot like hummus, but green – with the incredible flavor of peas bursting through, highlighted by thyme, sorrel, and olive oil.
Dear Stephen, Which herbs would be good for cat scratch fever infections? Herbs for fighting infections, particularily intracellular organisms, are a preference for this earth grounded patient.
Watermelon (or, water-melon) is 92% water. Its a powerful fruit that is packed with vitamins, antioxidants and re-fueling mineral components.
Dear Stephen, I experience vulva and vaginal pain, bladder irritability and colon irritability. This has been going on for 10 years. Is there anything you can suggest?
Learn how to make a healing comfrey burn poultice and save it in your freezer for future use – a must for any natural first aid kit. Can also be used on aches, sprains, and breaks!
These are light, airy, crispy, salty, and aromatic. One bite and you’re hooked. If you have any hesitancy about eating seaweed, these tempting little things will turn you right around!
Dear Stephen, I take your core protocol herbs as a decoction of all three herbs which I make the night before. My question is about appropriate dosage for a decoction.
Dear Stephen, I have some questions on dosages and forms for the bartonella herbs.
Use it on crackers or fresh vegetables – it is great with thinly sliced radish. Spread it on bread, or use it on pizza. Do anything with it!
Dear Stephen, This morning I found a tick crawling on my blanket and from the pictures, it looks like a male wood tick. What treatment do you suggest for me?