Just look at that warm, delicious comfort all in one. And, it’s vegan, and gluten- and dairy-free. Don’t tell your friends :)

Just look at that warm, delicious comfort all in one. And, it’s vegan, and gluten- and dairy-free. Don’t tell your friends :)
Dear Stephen, I have neuro lyme and need help with starting your protocol.
Eat it on crackers. Drizzle it over pancakes or waffles. Spread it on carrots. Swirl it into oatmeal or other breakfast porridge. Eat it out of the jar with a spoon. Make truffles. Do anything with it!
Simple, savory seafood patties will add a boost of lip-smacking protein to any salad or vegetable dish.
Dear Stephen, My wife recently started your protocol and has encountered severe diarrhea, and would like your advice on how to stop it. Thanks in advance for your help.
A good treat to bring with you camping, biking, or hiking – full of protein and fiber, they will sustain you for hours.
Dear Stephen, I’ve heard that it’s recommended to stay on antibiotics until asymptomatic for 3 months, which I plan to do. How about with herbs?
Over the weekend I dug my hands into the Earth for the first time this year. I threw off my coat and spent about 10 hours in the garden; it felt amazing to be out in the sun, connecting with the soil, spending time with the land that will provide me nourishment.
Roasted beets, cherries, coconut milk, cardamom, vanilla. Bam. Awesome. Sugar-free popsicles, with vegetables inside? Right on!
Dear Stephen, I have been doing the core protocol for about 4 weeks now and have noticed that since starting the program, sleep has become increasingly difficult.