Dear Stephen, With lyme and hypercoagulation, if one is taking Japanese knotweed, or any of the other herbs in the protocol, are there any contraindications with drinking Sir Jason Winters Tea?

Ten tips for a healthy heart
Hi Susun, As I age, I’m becoming concerned about the health of my heart. What can you recommend to keep it fit and toned, in terms of exercise and nutrition?

Vitamin B12 and Iron
Dear Sally, Can you suggest an alternative form to methylcobalamin (vitamin B12) injections which are very costly as they are compounded? Also, I’ve been unable to tolerate ferrous gluconate….any suggestions?
What is the most minimal lyme treatment?
Dear Stephen, What might be some of the lighter herbs for lyme? I simply cannot take the storm of a major die-off.
Sarsaparilla maximum upper dosage
Dear Stephen, Is there a maximum dosage for smilax? I’ve worked up to 10 grams a day in a decoction and would like to go higher.
Bartonella and protozoan infection
Dear Stephen, What treatments of your protocol would you suggest for me to try…since I have never tested positive for lyme, only bartonella and a possible protozoan “blood borne” infection (Frylabs)?

The Heart of Organic Gardening: a Soil Test
by Kim Wilhelm and Bryan Jones of Sweet Corn Organic Nursery | The soil test is at the heart of organic gardening. It all happens in the soil. If you have healthy soil, you will have healthy plants.

Simple Polarity Yoga Poses to Rebalance your System
Belinda Macri, a registered polarity practitioner in South Hamilton, MA, shares simple yet effective yoga poses that bring harmony to the body.
Stephania and Wobenzym N
Dear Stephen, Wobenzym N helps decrease herx reactions & allows me to breathe better. Should I continue with the wobenzym or will the herbs be enough to control die-off reactions?
Lyme protocol
Dear Stephen, If one is able to tolerate it, do you still recommend andrographis or are the potential risks greater than the potential benefits? Should these herbs be taken with or without food?