Dear Stephen, How does on proceed if one is hypersensitive? I am hypersensitive to most “chemical” medications I have taken and many herbals.
Dear Stephen, I was recently diagnosed with Hemo-Bartonella or mycoplasma by Fry Labs. I also have Babesia duncani. What herbs should I add for the BLO and Babesia duncani?
Interstitial cystitis
Dear Stephen, Do you have experience with patients with interstitial cystitis – what herbs can they handle on your protocol?

Polyculture Farming
The star of polyculture farming is the father-son team Joel and Daniel Salatin of Polyface Farms in Virginia. Learn more about their innovative approach to farming which focuses on producing healthy soil and grass.
Cryptolepis update
Dear Stephen, I haven’t been here in awhile, but wanted to give an update. I’ve been taking cryptolepis for just over a year now.
Carditis and warm/cool herbs
Dear Stephen, I noticed that stephania, houttuynia, and artemesia are all “cool” or “cold” herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory. Can you recommend good warming herbs to combine them with?
Clarifications on protocol
Dear Stephen, I have several questions on your protocol: Can the full dosages be maintained beyond 2 months and until the infections are completely eradicated?
Dear Stephen, I’ve been treating lyme for over a year now with antibiotics, and have made 85% progress. Can I take cryptolepis with antibiotics such as Ceftin? What about Flagyl?
Mudrās for Healing
Mudrās are a system of symbolic hand gestures and finger postures used in Hinduism and Buddhism. Some of the mudrās can be used specifically for healing.
Healing lyme?
Dear Stephen, Can you HEAL lyme with your protocol or does it just suppress symptoms? I have read of people becoming symptomatic again after stopping your protocol.