Dear Stephen, I am in East Africa and had malaria which cleared with traditional medicine. I am wondering if I can use artemisinin for prevention. If so, what is the dosage? What other herbs?
Andrographis and multiple sclerosis
Dear Stephen, The Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database states andrographis (and cat’s claw) should not be taken if you have an autoimmune disease, such as MS. Can you please comment on this.

Herbal birth control
Dear Susun, Is there an herbal approach to birth control? As far as natural birth control methods go, I’ve only heard of the rhythm method.
Lomatium long-term?
Dear Stephen, In your last post on Lomatium dissectum, you indicated that it might not be good to take it long-term. May I ask what harmful side-effects you are thinking of?

Tribal Belly Dance: Troupe Salamat
Julie Genser writes about how her passion for tribal bellydance and Middle Eastern music sustained her during her descent into severe environmental illness.

From Garden to Plate: Basil Pesto Harvest
Jacquelyn Palmer shares the journey from garden to plate her homegrown basil recently took. Salivate with us over her basil pesto pasta dinner.
Andrographis long term?
Dear Stephen, The label on the Nature’s Way andrographis states, “Not for long term use”. I called Nature’s Way and they said not to take the herb for more than 4 weeks. What is your take on this?
Pregnancy and bartonella treatment
Dear Stephen, My wife is 7 months pregnant with our second child. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD diagnosed bartonella with his ART muscle tests and he wants her to take a “5-in-1” tincture of your core protocol herbs.

Sweat Your Prayers
5Rhythms is a popular movement meditation dance developed by Gabrielle Roth, borne out of many indigenous and world traditions.
Mixing prima una de gato and artemisinin
Dear Stephen, Could you advise if it is okay to take prima una de gato liquid and artemisinin at the same time (about 2 hours apart) for lyme?