Dear Stephen, What do you think of Biotivia’s 500mg full spectrum resveratrol which has 500mg of Polygonum cuspidatum?
Getting pregnant
Dear Stephen, My husband and I want to have a child, so I would like to know how long you suggest being on the core protocol before going off of it for pregnancy? What herbs do you recommend for pregnancy?
Is andrographis a diuretic?
Dear Stephen, I Just started with andrographis and I seem to be having problems with frequent urination and feeling the urge to go. Does andrographis act as a diuretic?
LLMD wants to know: why cryptolepis?
Dear Stephen, My LLMD wants to know why you have made the change from artemisia (she uses artemisinin) to cryptolepis as the first herb of choice for babesia.
CD57 levels on protocol
Dear Stephen, After being on the herbs for 4 months, plus 2 months antibiotics before that, my CD57 levels have only gone up to 17 (from 16). It was 11 before the antibiotics. This is hugely disappointing.
Varicose veins
Dear Stephen, Over the past year I have noticed both varicose and spider veins appearing between the ankles and calves and seem to be spreading. I wondered whether this could be a consequence of lyme.
Dear Stephen, I have really bad hemorrhoids, I think it is aggravated by the lyme/bartonella/babesia that I have. Is there anything you could recommend to help?
Developing resistance to meds and herbs
Dear Stephen, I’ve been diagnosed with Babesia duncani and everyone keeps telling me that unless I continue the prescription drugs with the artemisinin, I will cause the babesia to become resistant.

Pregnancy, Candida and Autism
Dear Donna, Is there a link between autism and fungal infections in a mother during pregnancy?
Protocol for young teenage girl
Dear Stephen, My 11-year-old daughter has lyme, bartonella and babesia. Is your herbal protocol safe for her?