Dear Stephen, Would you know the approximate content of andrographolides in the andrographis whole bulk herb ?
Cortisol properties in stephania root?
Dear Stephen, I found that very soon after getting to the 2 stephania 3x day, I was able to lower my hydrocortisone dose to about 12.5 mg. I’m wondering if stephania root has some cortisol-like properties?
Am I herxing? Discomfort – new user
Dear Stephen, I started your herb protocol and within hours all the affected areas began to kick up. Am I herxing with bacteria die off or am I just aggravating those little buggers so they burrow deeper?

Genital warts
Dear Susun, A friend of mine recently had cryotherapy to remove her genital warts…I wanted to give her some herbal recommendations for soothing the area so it heals well and for helping to prevent future recurrences.
Preventing lyme transmission through body fluids
Dear Stephen, Our 21 year old son was diagnosed last month with chronic lyme. Is there any herb to keep his future wife from getting infected?
Stephania eyewash
Dear Stephen, If I wash my eyes with the stephania root infusion, how should I do it? Should I use an eye cup. Should I use just the clear liquid on top, or the whole, well, mess
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy with co-infections
Dear Stephen, I know that bartonella is an aerobic organism and some have suggested that oxygen therapies should be avoided. I would like to know your thoughts on this…
Dear Stephen, In June I had some blood microscopy done by a ND. She and I both saw big-time mycoplasma, and I was wondering if that was hindering my recovery.
Dear Stephen, What is the scoop on trans-resveratrol? Are the brands of resveratrol you recommend the “trans” form – and does it even matter?

Birth control for menopausal women
Dear Susun, Should I be thinking differently about birth control now that I am experiencing menopause?