Dear Stephen, I take antibiotics and Cowden herbs, as well as prilosic for acid reflux—is it ok to take samento, cumanda and quina with this?
Toxicity/die-off with protocol
Dear Stephen, I have read that herxing too much is not necessarily helpful even if it is a sign of die-off.

How to boost serotonin, Part 2
Dear Donna, What role does serotonin play in our bodies, and what are some natural ways to increase this neurotransmitter?
Protocol for 4 yr old
Dear Stephen, My 4-year-old daughter was just diagnosed with lyme (tick bite then rash). She’s on amoxicillan for 30 days. Which herbs would be best for her?
Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Dear Stephen, I have two ill friends who wish to take more herbs but they suffer from horrible GERD and have not found anything useful. What would you recommend for GERD?

How to boost serotonin, Part 1
Dear Donna, What role does serotonin play in our bodies, and what are some natural ways to increase this neurotransmitter? Thanks!
Lomatium dissectum (LDM 100)
Dear Stephen, What do you know about LDM 100 (Lomatium dissectum)? It’s new and growing fast amongst the autism arena. Many are claiming that autism is really just lyme.

Benefits of Bone Broths
Dear Sally, I know that the gelatin in broths are very nutritious but can you tell me why, and what other health benefits can be found in them?
Tincture of colchicum
Dear Stephen, Do you know where I can purchase the colchicum tincture?
Weight loss
Dear Stephen, I understand that unexplained weight loss is one of the symptoms of lyme borreliosis. I’m trying to understand why the weight loss. Is it due to collagen tissue breakdown?