Low Lectin Lunches (+ Dinners, Too!) eBook

Low Lectin Lunches (+ Dinners, Too!)
Low Lectin Lunches (+ Dinners, Too!)
Marinated Tempeh with Massaged Kale + Cabbage Salad
Braised Lamb with Root Vegetable Medley
Medicinal Chicken Stock
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Low Lectin Lunches (+ Dinners, Too!) is a collection of 11 anti-inflammatory, low lectin meal ideas for those who want to live a vibrant, pain-free life. The downloadable eBook is 60 pages and contains 32 individual recipes (each meal has multiple components). There are full color photos for each meal.

Why low lectin? Lectins are protein molecules with a sugar molecule attached (that acts as an antigen) naturally found in most plants as a self-protective means of defense against plant predators. When we ingest them, or animals that have eaten them, these glycoproteins attach to the lining of our intestines and other places in our bodies. There, they interfere with bodily processes and create gaps between the cells, eventually resulting in Leaky Gut Syndrome. When lectin molecules get through the leaky gut, the body mounts an immune response as it identifies them as foreign invaders. This is how some autoimmune conditions may begin. Greatly reducing your dietary lectin intake will reduce inflammation and allow your intestinal lining to start to heal.

Written by Julie Genser, who developed severe and extensive food sensitivities 20 years ago, and has been challenged by digestive disease for much of her life. Julie had already been eating a restriction diet free of grains, gluten, most dairy, legumes, nightshades and processed soy for many years but it was the reduction of lectins that led to significant improvement in chronic pain that had plagued her body for years. Finding it difficult to stay on the diet, she decided to create her own series of low lectin cookbooks to help herself stay inspired + excited about this new way of eating. She’s so happy to be sharing these recipes with you!

* Please note: This is a digital product in the form of a downloadable PDF. This is NOT a printed book.

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Low Lectin Lunches (+ Dinners, Too!) 5 years ago
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Marinated Tempeh with Massaged Kale + Cabbage Salad 5 years ago
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Braised Lamb with Root Vegetable Medley 5 years ago
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Medicinal Chicken Stock 5 years ago
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Table of Contents page 1 5 years ago
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Table of Contents page 2 5 years ago
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Table of Contents page 3 5 years ago
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