Hi Susun,
I have problem skin. I have acne that takes forever to clear up and rosacea. I have been going to a dermatologist who prescribed some medicine. Here’s the catch for me, the medicine has left me with yeast infections and vaginal itching and swelling. Needless to say I would much rather live with the bad skin! Do you have any recommendations for what I can use to treat the acne and rosacea. I have also noticed that the breakouts occur at about the same time in my cycle every month. I have been reading up on herbal remedies but since I am a real beginner I find it a little confusing. I have heard that evening primrose oil and chaste berry are good. Could you help? Thank you for your time and any information.
Susun’s response:
Here are three possible remedies for you to try:
Burdock root or seed tincture; 30 drops three times a day. Continue for as many years as needed.
Aloe vera juice, internally, best if from the fresh plant. And use it externally too.
Yarrow tincture sprayed on the face at least three times a day. Let it dry on your face.
Additionally, drink nourishing herbal infusions, especially nettle.
I would not like to mess with your hormones directly, but instead, bring you to a better level of overall health, then you won’t break out premenstrually. Do you get enough fat in your diet?
Let us know if any of these work.
Green blessings, Susun Weed
photos: Wise Woman Spiral ©iStockphoto.com / Chuck Spidell
Susun S. Weed has no official diplomas of any kind; she left high school in her junior year to pursue studies in mathematics and artificial intelligence at UCLA and she left college in her junior year to pursue life.
Susun began studying herbal medicine in 1965 when she was living in Manhattan while pregnant with her daughter, Justine Adelaide Swede.
She wrote her first book -- Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year (now in its 30th printing) -- in 1985 and published it as the first title of Ash Tree Publishing in 1986.
It was followed by Healing Wise (1989), New Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way (1992 and revised in 2002), Breast Cancer? Breast Health! The Wise Woman Way (1996), Down There: Sexual and Reproductive Health the Wise Woman Way (2011), Abundantly Well - Seven Medicines (2019).
In addition to her writing, Ms Weed trains apprentices, oversees the work of more than 300 correspondence course students, coordinates the activities of the Wise Woman Center, and is a High Priestess of Dianic Wicca, a member of the Sisterhood of the Shields, and a Peace Elder.
Susun Weed is a contributor to the Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women's Studies, peer- reviewed journals, and popular magazines, including a regular column in Sagewoman.
Her worldwide teaching schedule encompasses herbal medicine, ethnobotany, pharmacognosy, psychology of healing, ecoherbalism, nutrition, and women's health issues and her venues include medical schools, hospital wellness centers, breast cancer centers, midwifery schools, naturopathic colleges, and shamanic training centers, as well as many conferences.
Susun appears on many television and radio shows, including National Public Radio and NBC News.
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Hi, Susun,
Great post!!
Does it matter what type of aloe vera is used? I noticed there are several, which are appropriate for cosmetic and internal use. Which one do you recommend?
I am treating rosacea, too.
Warm regards,