Planet Thrive member Shandy “is a beautiful warrior spirit, a mama, artist, photographer, actor, singer, fiance, and lover of life who has been disabled by complex chronic illness for four years now. After years of attempting every treatment imaginable and having nearly every doctor she’s seen throw up their hands at the difficulty of her case, Shandy has run out of funds and is struggling to provide for herself and her children; as such, nothing is left for treatment with the one practitioner in her area willing to tackle the complexity of her illness. Shandy also needs to relocate, as she’s found herself in a rental home thick with mold. Because Shandy’s illness began when she lived in a moldy basement, any exposure to indoor mold exacerbates her already intolerable symptoms and makes healing that much more difficult. Despite four years of interminable illness and struggle, Shandy remains one of the most loving, hopeful people alive, with a heart of true gold and a relentlessly determined spirit.”
Fellow PT member Heather has organized an impressive online auction to help raise funds for Shandy’s treatment. The auction is now open and will end next Sunday evening, 9/25/11, at 10 p.m. EST (Eastern Standard Time). Some of the exciting items available for bidding include: