The Healing Lyme Q + A began on Planet Thrive in 2007. Over the years, acclaimed herbalist Stephen Harrod Buhner answered hundreds of questions from our readers about his herbal protocol for Lyme Disease and Co-Infections, based on his book Healing Lyme: Natural Healing of Lyme Borreliosis and the Coinfections Chlamydia and Spotted Fever Rickettsiosis. His column became so popular, we created a stand-alone website for it at buhnerhealing.lyme.com. After some years tirelessly answering up to 50 questions each month, Stephen retired from the column in order to focus on his health, writing his books, and his other work. We left the website up even though there was no new content added for years. Readers were able to continue to access the archives as well as communicate with each other through the comments section on various posts. Due to the ongoing costs associated with running a website (annual domain name fees, business registration fees, hosting fees, security software fees, etc.) and a lack of any income to cover those expenses, I’ve made the decision to return the column archives back to Planet Thrive. The website buhnerhealinglyme.com will be shut down this week and the URL will be forwarded to Planet Thrive — which means you can still go to the website but you will be redirected to the column on PlanetThrive.com automatically. You will still be able to access all of the archived posts, and all of the resources — such as herb lists and practitioner lists — will still be available to you. The only thing that will change is the color scheme and design. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we make this transition. I will also be publishing some of Stephen’s latest updates on the Q + A column over the coming weeks. Stay tuned!
Hi Julie,
it seems that the site https://buhnerhealing.lyme.com/ is not redirecting anywhere, and I can’t seem to find Buhner’s column in your site, can you help me please?
Hi Lina,
That’s because you seem to have an extra “.” in the URL you posted. But I sold that URL a while back so it has nothing to do with Buhner anymore. You can find his column on this website — click https://planetthrive.com/category/survive/columns/healing-lyme/ or find the “Healing Lyme” link under QUICK LINKS in the sidebar on most pages. Hope this helps!