It’s okay not to have New Years resolutions
It’s okay not to have big goals for your life
It’s okay not to have plans you want to
It’s okay not to chase your dreams
That path is not for everyone
Some walk the path of
They are traveling the road
Seeking the core
What is basic and essential
What has been there all along
Though we may be headed the same direction
Our spirals are mirror opposites
Some walk the path of the visionary
Creating abundance and
Dancing inside a multiplicity of forms
And Some walk the path
of the serpent owl
Becoming more and more naked
Shedding layers of fantasy into the ash
Night sky
Sitting in the dark
And seeing the way the wind moves
They do not walk a line or
poise their arrow to the target
They sit at the bottom of the ocean
And wait
Letting the waves devour them
They are following the pulse
of listening
To silence
Like a tiger in the brush
Waiting for existence to strike lightening
Into the fire of the heart
For this kind
Nothing less will do
Some are opening the palms of their hands
And unraveling
To become
Less and less
Until they are
To become the still point
In the center of
You know who you are
Keep going
The Deep Feminine Mystery School
Note: The Path of the Serpent Owl is available on Spotify as a musical spoken word journey
I so resonate with these words. I’ve spent the last two years studying relationship dynamics and how to be more feminine after a lifetime of having to be in my masculine to survive. I’m tired of pushing, of always striving. I am exhausted. Adrenal burnout, anyone? I’m learning to be more receptive to life (which is feminine), and to rest and relax in the safety of my body. To allow creativity and passion to naturally flow forth from an inner font. Our whole culture is based on women being in their masculine and always pushing to do and be more. COVID seems to have changed that a bit and I notice more and more women posting on Facebook about resting and taking care of themselves. I am loving the trend.